Friday, October 30, 2009

Tate Farm, The Mecca....

This post was going to be named, Tate Farm, Part I. You see, this place is the field trip mecca of North Alabama in the fall. Typically I go there about 3 times a season for 3 different field trips for 3 different kids...typically it's not monsoon season in Alabama. Monsoon season has resulted in the cancellation of many flag football games and Tate Farm Field Trips. It has rained, and rained, and rained. I dare not complain though. After many years of drought, I have a hard time wishing it away. (and I must admit, 3 times to Tate Farms is about 2 times too many for me!...don't tell my kids!)

A yearly favorite: The Corn Crib...

It was all I could do not to rip off my boots and hop in there too. Don't think I didn't do it last year! I was the ONLY mom who thought it would be fun apparently. I may have looked silly, but I was quite the hit among the kindergartners!
Let me tell you, THE CORN GETS E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!!!! On the way home I cracked up when Amelia handed me a corn kernal & giggled & said, "Momma, dis corn was in my ear"... And when we got home & everyone went potty before bed & Ansley walked out of the bathroom wondering how corn got in the potty...... I guess you get my point.....

Bunny petting, always a big hit with our little ones. They're critter lovers.

We went at night this year with a group from church. It was super fun. We picked our pumpkins in the dark with the help of flashlights....not sure we made the best pumpkin choices, but it was fun. Ansley & Amelia always want to pick the tiniest pumpkins they can find. Cute.

Till next year Tate Farms!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

OMIGOSH! I happened upon your blog and I had to stop and say that I love the corn photos! Too cute. Kids are adorable!