Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our little lady had a bee-day....

She's 2!

Sweet baby, just because your #3 doesn't mean your mama's not going to throw you a cutsie party. Well...okay, so I threw it together last minute & called the mommy of your fav-friend to see what they were doing on Sunday afternoon. But don't think it wasn't cutsie! Because your our little lady & you love bees (??...uh, well at least you love the Bee Movie), you had a Lady Bug/Bee Party!


Gabe offering some last minute advice on not getting too close to the candle. (Seriously, it happened to Ansley on her 2nd....not pretty.)

Getting ready:

Focus now...

Completely embarrased by all the attention of the singing:
Careful coaching by big brother.

"ooh, Seppy, don't play in it"

"Oh Seppy, you so silly!" as Seth affectionately smears icing on her nose. I can see this in 25 years....with an all white cake!

Oh, and presents. Really the only thing you wanted. When asked what you wanted for your birthday, repeatedly you would say, "pesents". You're precious.

I love you sweet baby. You have more gusto for life than any other baby that has come through this house. Your wild belly laughs and constant attempts to crack me up are unmeasurable! You certainly make our home a more joyous place and I look forward to the fun you bring for years to come!
I love you ,


Kiera said...

Can't believe she's 2. I'm so sad how fast time is flying by!! She is adorable and looks like she had a great birthday, last minute or not!

Kay-Lynn said...

can't believe she is 2 already..sad that ya'll have been away that long. It seems like it was just yesterday when ansley burned herself at her 2nd b-day party! No one will forget that..good advice gabe!

Chloe said...

Happy Birthday sweet amelia jane! The bee/lady bug party turned out great! Everything looks so cute! I never had a doubt.