Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break '09

For the most part we had a "staycation", however thanks in part to our good friends the Ross', we ventured to Chattanooga for 2 days of good times. If you haven't hung out in downtown Chattanooga for a while, you don't know what your missing! It's the some of the best kid entertainment around. We spent most of day 1 at the Aquarium. The crowds were so tolerable & the kids loved it.

"The Posse"

Together, we have a pretty good slew of kiddos

We saw cool stuff at the aquarium....

I'm not sure what this is all about??

On day one, we perhaps took in a bit much.... Aquarium, playing at the hotel, playing at the playground, taking in an IMAX, a crazy dinner that took an eternity with 7 starving kids (2 of which were napless that day), 2 tired mama's, and one awesome grandmother (who was a huge help!), and back to the hotel for indoor swimming....phew! Ansley had her 1st spend the night guest...Hope got to stay in our room & they were the cutest all cuddled up & shrieking (yes, shrieking) with wild laughter.

Day #2
Creative Discovery Museum...one word...AWESOME!
Explorer Gabe excavating

Amelia could have stayed in this spot all day.

Gabe passing time, chopping clay. (humor me, I just like the picture)

Amelia works hard stamping clay & turning gears. (I know....this is thrilling stuff...)

Best Buddies!

Proof the Mama's were there:

Thanks Ross family for a great time!


Kiera said...

Looks like yall had a blast!! Love all the pictures, too cute!!

Kay-Lynn said...

Fun times..creating memories!