Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sweet Dreams

Night-Night everyone!!!! 

If you're a cat lover, then you love this picture...If you're not...well then, I'm sorry! I understand that there are those who can't stand cats...their sneakiness, their shedding hair, their persnickety-ness. Maybe your nose is itching & eyes are watering just looking at it, but Boo Kitty is such a sweet cuddler to all of us. Luckily none of us have fallen victim to pesky cat allergens.  He warms us up on the coldest of nights, and purrs me to sleep nightly. It should be a sound option on the noise machine for sure! May your night be filled with warm furry cuddles & soft purring!  (If you have a cat, that is!)


Barbara said...

sweet boo kitty! amelia is pretty darn sweet too! :)

brooke said...

It's me again.. waiting for you to post. :) The kids were still laughing about your cat when we got home. Too funny!

megan @ a life's design said...

Congratulations! You won the Purdy giveaway!