Monday, August 24, 2009

Anybody out there?

Umm...this blog has gotten a little shy (& shameful!) and I am tire of it looming over me silently screaming, "helllooo....are you coming back...ever????" The kids love to look at & read this little recap of our life, and of course they have it's short life memorized by now, so here's to a huge commitment. I hereby promise to blog everyday this week. There. Done. Said it. What I didn't say is that there would be some great material. Just logging in & saying "Hi" counts, right? I have had time to blog, it just seems that the thought of getting my fav pictures on & rehashing all the "good stuff" has seemed a bit overwhelming. Besides, I'm way too busy reading about other people's lives these days! Not to mention our little 'remodel' project from the summer! I'll get to that later.'s 3 am & I'm an insomniac tonight, so HELLO BLOGLAND! SOMEBODY'S HERE!!!!

Why you ask am I up at 3am?? Because of this little stinker:
He has not been sleeping good for the first time in 7 years! I mean up twice a night most days for a couple of weeks! Geesh! What is the deal? Next internet venture tonight: Research Melatonin!

I also feel obliged to share a little Gabe, because in my absence of blogging he had a birthday. I generally post lots of great birthday photos, but in hindsight, we have NONE!??? How did I let that happen. For one, our celebration mainly consisted of a family dinner out to Logan's (his choice). Pretty simple. Of course he was showered with fun gifts, and I do recall a "this is the best birthday ever!" coming out of his mouth, but basically it was just a great day because Gabe was Gabe :) I love you even though you are the reason I am up at 3am! But look: You brought back the blog! Hooray!

1 comment:

Chloe said...

Oh what a beautiful mother and son photo! I am glad you are blogging again. I will check it everyday! :) I will try to do better as well. Hope to talk to you later today.